We’re proud to announce the 2024 Hamfest set a new attendance record of 5981 this past weekend.  Some visitors came from as far away as Canada, Germany & Bermuda!   

We thank everyone who attended and hope you enjoyed the shopping, forums, Youth Lounge, and product info offered by the exhibitors.  

We’re thankful also to the 17 committee chairs and 108 volunteers lending their time and effort to host The World’s Friendliest Hamfest.  

Join us next year on August 16 & 17, 2025 for the Alabama Section Convention, and again in 2026 when Huntsville will host the ARRL National Convention.

The Huntsville Hamfest Board

Von Braun Center South Hall

August 17 & 18, 2024

700 Monroe St SW, Huntsville, AL 35801

Hours:  Saturday 9 AM — 4:30 PM,  Sunday 9 AM — 3 PM

Major door prize each day plus hourly door prizes.


In 2024, Huntsville Hamfest will host the ARRL Southeastern Division Convention!

    • Hamfest Hours:  We will be open to the public Sat, 9:00–4:30 PM and Sun, 9:00–3:00 PM.

    • Move-in hours for dealers and flea market are Fri, 10:00 AM–6:00 PM and Sat, 7:00–8:30 AM.

    • Grand Prize drawing – Saturday @ 4:00 PM (need not be present to win)

    • Main Prize drawing – Sunday @ 2:00 PM  (must be present to win).

    • Admission: is $15, ages 12 and under free.

    • Talk-in: Will be on the 146.94- repeater, 100Hz tone, and the backup in case of failure will be on the 145.33-, 100Hz tone, repeater

    • Huntsville’s Wide Coverage D-STAR System is W4WBC: 145.36-, 443.425+, 1285+ and 1251 DD

    • Yaesu Digital Fusion Users: Use 147.14+, 100 Hz PL

    • DMR Users: DMR Networked System 442.275+. For Talk Group info, go to N4HSV.net & Alabama DMR for more and code plugs.

2024 Amateur Radio Newsline -Young Ham of the Year 

This year’s winner is Grace Papay, K8LG, 18, from Holland, Michigan. The Bill Pasternak WA6ITF Memorial Amateur Radio Newsline Young Ham of the Year award is traditionally presented during the Huntsville Hamfest.

Learn more about the award and last year’s recipient visit Amateur Radio Newsline: https://www.arnewsline.org 

    • DX Club Banquet — 2024 DX Club Banquet <Click here> for Tickets and Information
    • The W4DXCC DX and Contest Convention will be held BEFORE Hamfest on August 15th <Click here>

The Huntsville Hamfest is pleased to welcome the return of several YouTubers covering the event.  On Sunday be sure to visit Jason, Mike, Josh and several others for a 2 hour roundtable discussion in VBC Forum Room 1.

Need a Mobility Scooter?
Huntsville Hamfest Association, Inc., 
is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization.

Huntsville Hamfest, by Huntsville Hamfest Association, Inc.
PO Box 12534
Huntsville, AL  35801

Huntsville Hamfest — “The World’s Friendliest Hamfest! ®” Since 1954

Future Hamfest Dates:     August 16 & 17, 2025

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